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Sylva Blog

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Last year, students from Oxford & Cherwell Valley College’s (OCVC) Rycotewood Furniture Centre worked with all the school children in the OneOak project to design outdoor seating (read more). The students based their designs on the work of the children, and five schools are now proud owners of some unique seating in their playgrounds, made from the green (unseasoned) timber of the OneOak tree.

One year later, the remaining boards cut from the main stem of the OneOak tree have been seasoned and are with many professional furniture makers, joiners and craftspeople. Some of the boards were donated to OCVC for a fine furniture competition, and students there have been hard at work drawing up plans and scale models for their entries.

Last week an expert panel came together to view the entries. They were Joe Bray from OCVC Rycotewood, Dr Simon Fineman who is Chairman and CEO of  Timbmet, Dr Philip Koomen of Philip Koomen Furniture, and our own CEO Dr Gabriel Hemery.

OneOak fine furniture competition judging 2012

OneOak fine furniture competition 2012 judging panel. Left to right: Joe Bray OCVC; Dr Simon Fineman, Chairman & CEO Timbmet; Dr Philip Koomen, Philip Koomen Furniture; Dr Gabriel Hemery, CEO Sylva Foundation

The judges were delighted with the number of entries and their quality. It was exciting to see the talent emerging in a new generation of craftspeople. It was difficult making our decision but two winning entries were identified. The makers will be informed today and we will make a full announcement on this website soon.

The two winners will be donated the OneOak boards to make their winning designs; the furniture pieces joining our OneOak exhibitions from July onwards.

1 Comment

  1. […] taken place of entries by Rycotewood students into the OneOak fine furniture competition – read more. We are delighted to announce the two winners. They are Matt Wakeham (18) and Harry Friday (19). We […]

    Pingback by SYLVA • reviving our wood culture — April 13, 2012 @ 8:02 am

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