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Singing around the OneOak sculpture

Singing around the OneOak sculpture. Photo Angus Beaton

One hundred guests, including children from our partner primary schools, returned to the site where the OneOak tree was felled one year ago.  They came to celebrate the life of the OneOak tree and to plant a new generation of oak trees.

We unveiled a stunning sculpture by Simon Clements, sang tree planting ‘shanties’ written by musician Sarah Morgan, and planted trees with the support of Nicholson Nurseries.  The sculpture was unveiled by His Grace the Duke of Marlborough today, and into the future the new forest will be tended by his expert foresters.

Forty school children came today, five representing each of the classes, while their classmates will all be coming to the site over coming days to plant their own trees: reaching a total of 250 new oak trees by the end of the week.

OneOak tree planting

OneOak tree planting. Photo Angus Beaton

You can hear a report on the day on BBC Radio Oxford at 1650 today, and see the day in pictures on BBC1 Oxford News today at 1830.  Missed it?  Click here to watch the BBC film



  1. Great day. Fantastic to see the children back planting new trees. The sun shone unlike last year. Maybe the heavens were crying last year when the tree was cut down but shining happily with the planting of a new generation? Or maybe it was random and that is hippy nonsense……

    Either way it is a great project and I am chuffed to have been involved.

    Comment by Paul Orsi — January 31, 2011 @ 9:40 pm

  2. The next generation of trees are underway and what a great way to do it – perfect weather, a sculpture tto mark the old tree, kids singing and getting involved in the tree planting.
    What a great project and good to be involved

    Comment by Niel Nicholson — February 1, 2011 @ 12:04 pm

  3. Tears of joy, last year, Paul? So exciting to think of all the things which will be made from the old oak….and the new generation of saplings planted by a new generation of people who might take better care of the environment (or is THAT hippy nonsense?). They won’t forget the day, I’m sure of that! Brilliant. Thanks all involved!

    Comment by Gill — February 1, 2011 @ 4:53 pm

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