Sylva’s CEO, Gabriel Hemery, recently attended the Small Woods skill share weekend, following an invitation to give a presentation about our wood culture (read more).
Speaking to an audience of about 40 woodland owners attending the event at the Green Wood Centre near Ironbridge, he outlined Sylva’s work to revive a wood culture in Britain, defining it as “the stewardship of woodlands and the use of forest produce for a sustainable future.”
He explained work underway in the Good Woods project, running in conjunction with partners B&Q and BioRegional. Gabriel introduced the Woodland Star Rating, based on the UK Forestry Standard, to the audience, explaining how it aimed to support and encourage woodland owners to further their own understanding and activities, and also to demonstrate to members of the public the great work that the owners do to support sustainability in their woodlands. As he announced that the ultimate accolade for a woodland owner under this scheme was to achieve Gold Standard, one member of the audience immediately announced that she was indeed the proud owner of a Gold Standard woodland. Completely unscripted of course, it was a wonderful moment and given the rarity of woodlands achieving this standard currently, an unlikely one. This prompted a spontaneous round of applause from all.
With thanks to Small Woods for their invitation to Sylva to speak at the event.
If you are a woodland owner in south east or east England and are interested in a visit from a Good Woods advisor, please visit our Good Woods page to find out more.