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We’re pleased to published our Impact Report for 2022. The theme this year is ‘collaboration’. Through our many collaborations we can illustrate the diversity of our work, and just as importantly, shine a spotlight on our partners, and the impact we are making together.

Collaboration is one of our core values:

To work extensively and selflessly with others, recognising that collaboration is necessary to overcome the challenges of halting biodiversity loss and reducing climate change, while supporting the transition to a sustainable human society.

Sylva Foundation Impact Report 2022 - the year in numbers

Sylva Foundation Impact Report 2022 – the year in numbers

The past year at Sylva Foundation has been one of steady growth and exciting development. We have worked with many people who share our vision for a society that cares for nature, while living with it in harmony. In this, our second Impact Report, I am proud to use it as an opportunity to recognise the hard work, willingness and dedication of all those who have contributed to our work.

At Sylva we sometimes describe ourselves as a small charity that punches above its weight, and in 2022 this has felt more apt than ever. In this Impact Report, we highlight one of Sylva’s core values — collaboration. Through our many collaborations we can illustrate the diversity of our work, and just as importantly, shine a spotlight on our partners, and the impact we are making together. Indeed, you will read how these different partnerships ensure Sylva continues to reach across Britain.

From our Future Oak Project with Bangor University, to the volunteers working at our Future Forest in South Oxfordshire, from the continued development of NatureBid our innovative environmental funding platform, to supporting Defra’s Resilient Treescapes Projects, all of these are exciting initiatives that we are working on to meet some of greatest environmental challenges facing modern society.

We also use this opportunity to remember and celebrate Martin Wood. A Co-Founder and Patron of Sylva Foundation, Martin embodied the culture of our charity, not just through his commitment to the environment, but his willingness to share with others in an open and respectful way to get things done. Martin’s generosity of spirit and innovative approach is at the very heart of Sylva’s value of collaboration, and we will continue his legacy of respecting the knowledge and merit that others bring to all aspects of our work.

Impact Report 2022

Impact Report 2022. Click to download

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